Unlocking Characters

From DragonBlast
Revision as of 02:06, 20 January 2017 by Zeipher (talk | contribs)
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Although we always recommend buying the game, the sampler with all unlocked characters can't be purchased anymore. So, we use CheatEngine to unlock all the characters.

Get Cheat Engine from the CheatEngine site

Download this Cheat Table

Open DragonBlastSE.exe.

With Dragonblast running, open DragonBlastSE.CT. Make sure it's associated with CheatEngine. Charunlock1.png

In CheatEngine, click "select a process to open". It should have a flashing frame around it. Charunlock2.png

Select DragonBlastSE.exe in the list. Charunlock3.png

Next, go back to DragonBlast without closing CheatEngine, and go to practice mode, or any other mode with a character select. Check if Yata (the first character) is lit up and selectable. If this character isn't lit up, exit the mode and re-enter until Yata is selectable.

Yata is selectable

Now, go back to CheatEngine without closing out of the game. (Don't have to exit the character select either.) Check the box next to "Enable Yata" and you'll have unlocked all of the characters.

Charunlock5.png Charunlock6.png


